Valren Arelwynn, XFY CO
Re: Wall of Honor & weapons laws
« Reply #1 on: Feb 8th, 2005, 10:06am »
Indeed, I think the wall is a great idea IC and worked well before... also prevents people running around with weapons. I'd point you all to this page where there is a break down of departments. You might note that there are about 22,000 security officers on Xavier. Most of these will be on guard throughout the areas where you can go on the base during the tournament. To give you some perspective, there are probably 18,000 assigned to tournament duty. Using a three shift rotation that means, on average, there are 6,000 on duty at anytime. Please check out the XFY area on the fourm to find out where you can/cannot go, where the main venues are. Tournament participants have access to about 1250 of 2400 decks, so you might think people are spread thin, but this would not be the case by-and-large. The tournament and commercial areas will be virtually flooded with security officers, so watch out. Weapons ought not be carried and if you are found to be carrying a concealed weapon, you'll be placed in the brig for the duration of the tournament and will, as a result of not being able to show up, forfeit your matches. Perhaps, for IC reasons, you may want to do this. If you are carrying a non-energy weapon that is not concealed, security has been instructed to be lenient, you will be watched if you are carrying one... likely shadowed for the whole time you are aboard by an officer or two who do have energy weapons. If you draw it, you will be shot (on stun) and placed in the brig for the duration of the tournament. If you act aggressively while carrying such a weapon it will be confiscated for the duration of the tournament and, if it is your bat'leth, you will have to find something else to fight with. That said, I suspect most bat'leths will be on the wall if not in use in the ring. Questions? PM me or post them in the "Questions for the judges" section.