K`Hare totlh
YaBB Administrator
Another keg of Bloodwine is waiting.
Posts: 390
Quote from TalVur on Feb 25th, 2005, 12:01pm:
My view is thus: I'm a Federation doctor and I don't recall there being anything against a doctor making a few scans, pretty much anywhere (other than for classified reasons) and I don't sewe why this shouldn't apply here. I'm a Klingon warrior and I don't recall there being anything against an insulted HoD making a few stabs with his Daqtagh, pretty much anywhere (other than for a few ceremonial reasons) and I don't see why this shouldn't apply here. What happened makes perfect sense to me, in character. So we should handle it, all in character. I like how this will show another aspect of Klingon culture in a new way. tal'vur is about to learn in character, that Klingon’s don’t like medicine. Look back at my scene with val’ren and how close his telepathy was to becoming an issue. If anyone mind scans K’Hare and he finds out, he wont react well. How to resolve that is a question the situation would answer. On XFY, in the end, security or valren will have to decide, in character. I am guessing he would attempt to delete the data in deference to the Empire representative but he needs to figure out what is in character for him and the federation. On KDB, security would form a barrier and expect the two to fight to the death over this. It’s a difference in the federation vs. Empire viewpoint. It is good drama... let's see what happens.