K`Hare totlh
YaBB Administrator
Another keg of Bloodwine is waiting.
Posts: 390
On: The main hall was again packed as Wade walked up to the podium to address everyone for one last time. A technician gave him a cue from the side, signifying the transmission was ready to broadcast. Durkis: I would like to take a brief moment to thank all those who helped with this years competition. From the judges standing here next to me, to the crew of Xavier Fleet Yards, and to those out there that did their part to add to our competition, my sincere thanks. A polite applause went threw the crowd before he continued. Durkis: Now for the awards. In third place, Ta'pez HoD, IKS meH'Haj, Task Force 44. The crowd cheered as Ta’pez cam forth to receive the bronze trophy. Wade handed the trophy to Ta’pez and gave a respectfully nod to fellow CO from his former Task Force. When the applause slowed, the admiral continued. Durkis: Second place, Lt. Commander Kieran Michael O'Donnell, USS Tomar, Task Force 58. Again the crowd cheered. Wade shook Lt. Commander O’Donnell’s hand and presented him the trophy. Durkis:And the winner of the Third Annual Bravofleet Bat’leth Competition, K’tar Sogh, IKS meH'Haj, Task Force 44 The crowd roared loud as K’tar came forward. Handing the gold trophy over to K’tar, Wade merely stepped back and aloud the Klingon to have his moment. The crowd cheered for a couple minutes until K’tar stepped down. Admiral Durkis then turned to K’Hare and motioned for him to proceed with the next award. K’Hare: It is said that there are things more important than victory. Some would say that a warrior can lose a battle, but that if they do not compromise, they do not turn from who they are, even in death they are not defeated. This is the Klingon way. We do not seek death, we seek challenge, and to die while performing a great deed shows what is most important to every true Klingon. It is my pleasure to once again present the Honor Award to Q’olavraH, daughter of q'marI. He smiled to himself at the personal joke that only Q’ol herself would understand. OFF: Some of the awards we give out are out of character. The Role Playing Award - awarded to the player who most contributes to the tournament due to exceptional writing, some OOC activity, or both. This year, the role playing award goes to Ing of Task Force 86. The RP award is voted on and debated by the judges. The judges also each pick their own favorite individually. The RP winner is not elligible and we don't allow duplicates. Wade's Judge award goes to Q'olavraH for exceptional role playing. Valren's Judge award goes to Tauvits for exceptional role playing. K'Hare's Judge award goes to Sajida for demonstrating the spirit of this event. She could not attend to fight but got others to show up, she still joined when she could, and she participated in lots of unplanned scenes. This year we are also introducing a new award, the Newcomer Award to the player who has not attending the tourney before and has the biggest effect. The Newcomer Award goes to Ing, of Klach D'kel Brakt. In addition to the honor award, I wanted to highlight the honor and dishonor of the participant to recognize those who fought with honor but did not have the skill to fight for as long. There are the warriors who fought only with great honor or fought for several round with honor. Great Honorable mentions: T'Linda roS'neQar Ross McEwan K'megh son of Kohrel Charlie Reynolds K'Vok Kira Naul Gordon A.J. Bernard These are the warriors who fought honorably overall. Honorable mentions: Falco Tauvits M'rek Jason Pepper Jean Chandler Shaydara While we are not awarding this in character, the warrior who accumulated the most dishonor was: Most Dishonorable: Kieran Michael O'Donnell And this one stood out from the rest. Great Dishonorable mention: Tomas Wolfe The follow warriors had honor totals that leaned to the dirty side. Dishonorable mention: Ta'pez Davidian Talora Jake Ness Loj Hartson James Tal'Vur We have only had 8 votes for the Player's Choice so far so it will be awarded later. We will be making a site for the awards in the next few days. The tourney site will stay up for at least another week. After that it will be available read only.