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Klingons rule.
Posts: 49
Leaving Ta'pez K'Trol wondered how trustworthy the cheng was. If he was truly joining him all was good. If he tried to double cross him then so be it. There was no proof of anything they had discussed save the one example in his posession. This object was not enough to cause any trouble on Qo'noS. This would test how the cheng would act. He had offered him much. The new Empire they would forge would be what the Klingon Empire should always had been. Gowron had been a good leader, he had used the Federation as and when he required. In years to come a war between the Klingon and Star Empires would have come, and the Federation would have rushed to the Klingons to aid them. With the Romulans gone the Federation would have soon fallen. Granted by then Gowron may have outlived his usefullness. If only General Chang had succeeded. Things would have been so much.... better. He reached the Wall of Honour and looked over it. Noting the blades from the Klingons present, noting what alegincies there might be here. He scowled at the sight of Q'olavraH's blade. He glanced over at K'Hare's, soon that one would be dealt with. Then he looked at the blade of his son. Moving to the wall where attendees could hang their blades he looked at the blade of K'rahl. Had Chang won these two would never have drifted from his vision. Both had accepted the new order all too completely. Never could he have moved against Martok with K'rahl at his side. He must die first, before any other steps could be taken. Only at the end of this House War could his plans continue. He took his blade from Q'SwerD and hung it on the wall. Come what may the sides were drawn up.